Saturday, May 24, 2008

101 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart

101 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart

1. Walk up to an employee and tell him in an official tone, "I think we've got a Code 3 in Housewares," and see what happens.

2. Follow people through the aisles, always staying about five feet away. Continue to do this until they leave the department.

3. Put M&M's on layaway.

4. Test the fishing rods and see what you can "catch" from the other aisles

5. Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles.

6. Drape a blanket around your shoulders and run around saying,"I'm Batman. Come, Robin, to the Batcave!"

7. When someone asks if you need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just leave me alone?"

8. Take up an entire aisle in Toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes vs. the X-Men.

9. Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there are any in stock, i.e., "Do you have any Shnerples here?"

10. Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.

11. Make a trail of orange juice on the ground, leading to the restrooms

12. When someone steps away from their cart to look at something, quickly make off with it without saying a word.

13. Look right into the security camera, and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose

14. Set up another battlefield with GI Joes vs. Barbies.

15. Crawl around on the ground and pretend that your a cat. Meow when people walk by, rub up against their legs, etc.

16. Start pocketing any and all free samples.

17. Walk up to the customer service and say "Hello, I'll have a Quarter Pounder with cheese, large fries and a diet coke."

18. When alone, have loud conversations with your "multiple personalities".

19. With friends, form a line that leads to nothing. Act like you're all excited about something. See how many people who walk by will come stand in it, too.

20. Walk up to a boy with glasses and say “you’re a wizerd Harry.”

21. Fill a cart with fake magic stuff and then run around screaming “I have to get to Hogwarts” then run into a wall.

22. Tell some little girl that her “My Little Ponies” will attack her in her sleep.

23. Run around throwing skittles at people saying “Feel the rainbow!”

24. Play soccer using the entire store as you playing field

25. Open a pack of stickes and stick them on ramdom people

26. Take a pack of crayola markers and start drawing on the walls saying “Ohhhhh pretty colors!!”

27. Everytime some one walks out say "We're sorry. You have activated the Wal Mart inventory control service. Please step back and a Wal Mart associate will help you. Thank you."

28. Start screaming at a random person in a random or made up language.

29. While running and screaming stop at random people and say
”The voices .. spiritz..their maaaaaaaaad i tell you!”

30. Go into a change room, wait a little bit, then yell very loudly "There's no toilet paper in here!"


♥κäΨ↑å♥ said...

That was hilarious. but it wasnt 101! Make more

sparklegirl said...

im not done!!!

KC said...

there's not 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart!! ther is only 30!! MAKE MORE!

KC said...

there's not 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart!! ther is only 30!! MAKE MORE!